In today’s business environment, successful management of a restaurant, cafe, or pub requires efficient solutions. Our new POS system is designed with a focus on simplicity and speed, providing you with the necessary tools to manage your business without hassle.
1. Fast Reports and Analysis: Gain instant insight into your business performance with quick reports and analyses facilitated by our POS system.
2. Integration with Kitchen and Bar: Customized software that enables efficient communication and coordination between the POS system, kitchen, and bar for improved service management.
3. Order Processing Speed: Enhance the speed of your waitstaff in receiving and processing orders, ensuring effective communication between the POS system and staff for quicker and more efficient service.
- Simple and quick implementation.
- Improvement in operational speed.
- Connectivity with the kitchen and bar for better coordination.
- Dashboard Analytics for easy monitoring and control of business performance.
With our new POS system, your business can enjoy straightforward and speedy management, eliminating complications and time wastage. Free yourself from administrative challenges and focus on the development of your business.
- Full Responsive Design
- Full Functionality
- Four Types of Users
- Unique Ux/Ui Design
- Advenced Admin Dashboard
- Overview of Completed Orders

This is the index page that includes account creation and user login. On this page, without logging in, only the documentation is visible.
When you log in, you can choose job positions among bartenders, chefs, or waiters.If you use the menu, Bartenders and Chefs should choose Bar and Kitchen, while Waiters should choose Orders.
If the user through whom you are logged in is not assigned to the selected position, you won’t be able to access further.

If the user is a waiter, they will be able to access the orders page (waiters).
On the orders page, each employee, as a waiter, will have to log in with their own PIN code.When the employee logs in with their PIN code, they will gain access to the orders page.
On the orders page, the employee first selects the table where guests are seated for ordering. Tables are labeled with numbers.
If there are orders on the table, you will be able to see which waiter has processed the orders.
If there are discounts on the table, you will be able to see the discount icon.
After the employee selects the appropriate table, a page with categories for drinks and food will open.

When the employee enters the page for ordering drinks and food, they will have the option to choose between categories of drinks and food.
If the employee doesn’t know in which category to find the product, they can use the search bar by entering the product’s name.When the appropriate categories and products are selected by clicking, they will appear in the right panel.
After the employee selects the product, they have the option in the right panel to increase and decrease its quantity or delete it if they made a mistake in the order.
If another waiter places an order on your table, you will see his name on the product added to the right panel, and you won’t be able to modify it.
When the bartender or chef prepares the product added to the right panel, you won’t be able to modify that product.
If the guests want to change the table, there is an option in the upper right panel that allows you to quickly and efficiently change the table along with all the orders in it.
If you want to write a note for the selected table, you can do so by clicking on the icon in the upper right panel.
If you want to give a discount to the table, you can do so by clicking on the discount icon, where you will have the option to add a percentage discount to the table.
If you want to return to the table selection, you can do so by clicking on the ‘Back’ button or on the button that represents the table number (T1) located in the upper right panel.
To process the payment for the table, you click the ‘Pay’ button in the lower part of the right panel and choose the payment option between cash and credit card.
If the bartender or chef prepares the order, the waiter will not be able to make any changes in the right panel for that order.
Bar & Kitchen

All users have access to the bar & kitchen page, but only the bartender and the chef can manage the orders.
The bartender handles orders for drinks, while the chef manages orders for food.In active orders, you can see the orders placed by the waiter. It shows the quantity of the product and the time of the order.
When the bartender or chef prepares the order, they click on it, and it is then moved to the category of completed orders (Marked with green color.).
In the category of completed orders, you can see the product and the preparation time.
When a product is completed, the waiter won’t be able to make changes to that product on the orders page.
The products on this page are visible until the waiter does not process the payment for the table.
Completed Orders

On the completed orders page, all employees can log in with their PIN code.
When employees log in with their PIN code, they will have access to completed orders that they have processed.The logged-in employee will have options to display completed orders based on date (from – to), an option to display a specific product, and an option to display payments made in cash or with a credit card.
The employee can also enable the option for statistics, which displays:
- Total orders.
- Total ordered products.
- Total Discounts.
- Total price.
In the table for displaying orders, the visible fields are:
- Order Number
- Date / Time
- Table Number
- Products
- Paid With
- Total
- View
By clicking on the ‘View’ icon, you will have a detailed overview of each order.

On the dashboard page, you can log in only with the admin password.
After logging in, a menu will appear where you can choose:
- Add Menu (here you set up categories for drinks or food)
- Add Product (here you add products)
- Add Tables (here you set the number of tables)
- Add Employees (here you create names for employees and their PIN codes)
- Add Discounts (here you set the percentage of discounts to be applied)
- View Orders (here you can see completed orders)
- Settings (here you set the restaurant name, currency for payment, Tax pеrcentage and other options)
If the option ‘Only admins will have access to the dashboard’ is not enabled, all users will have access to this page. It is important to enable this option (Dashboard/Settings/Only admins will have access to the dashboard).

On the user page, each user will be able to edit their username, email, and password.
Only administrators will be able to make changes for all users, add or modify positions for users, create new users and delete users.
User Role:
Admins: They will be able to delete and edit for all users. Waiters: They will be able to edit their own user.
Bartenders: They will be able to edit their own user.
Chefs: They will be able to edit their own user.All users have access to this page.

There are 4 types of user roles:
- Admin
- Waiters
- Bartenders
- Chefs
Each employee belongs to a specific group of users.
An Аdmin is a person who manages the restaurant or cafe.
He adds or modifies categories, products, and employees.
He has an overview of all sold products.Waiters are the employees who take orders at the tables.
They mainly manage the orders page.Bartenders are the employees who prepare orders for drinks.
They manage the Bar & Kitchen page (Drinks only).Chefs are the employees who prepare orders for food.
They manage the Bar & Kitchen page (Food only).Important:
The employees who will be added must have an assigned user role according to their job position.